PE & Sports Premium

The Government is providing additional funding to support the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools by providing dedicated resource to buy in valuable expertise and support.

Our Intent & Implementation of PE

PE - Intent, Implementation, Impact

We use REAL PE to deliver our curriculum.


2023-24 plan

Sports Premium 2023-24


ECO Rewards

Eco reward scheme guide for parents


School Travel Plan

Attached is our plan to help sustainably travel.

School Travel Plan JPCE 2023



Selection at events

Newsletter- Sport Selection Process



Football league | Jennett's Park (

Sports Day | Jennett's Park (

Winning at Cricket 2024 | Jennett's Park (

Jolf Day

KS1 Multi-Skills Event

Multi Skills Event – Everyone Active

Hockey Festival | Jennett's Park (

Football update | Jennett's Park (

Adopt a school free swimming | Jennett's Park (

Girls Football | Jennett's Park (

Rugby report | Jennett's Park (

Cricket Stars | Jennett's Park (


Date  Year Group Sport Event 
11th January 2024  Year 5+6 Sportshall Athletics
27th February 2024  Year 5+6 Badminton Festival
7th March 2024 Year 1+2 Cricket Festival
12th March 2024 Year 5+6 Hockey
22nd March 2024 Year 5+6 Primary Leaders


Summer Sport events

Year 6 athletics | Jennett's Park (


Olympic Dance Sessions | Jennett's Park (

Boxing in JPCE | Jennett's Park (

Race For Life 11th February | Jennett's Park (

3 in a row football

4th November Rugby 

Cross country | Jennett's Park (

Indoor Athletics Festival | Jennett's Park (


Sports Premium


Sports Premium 2022-23

2021- 22

Sports Premium 2021-22 Reviewed


We were allocated £19320 for our school sports funding.

We were delighted to have another year of funding. Sports Premium 2020-21 reviewed


We were allocated £19320 for our school sports funding.

Read how this funding was distributed and the impact this spend will have on our children.  Read 2019-20 Report

2018 - 2019

We were allocated £18460 for our school sports funding.

You can read how this funding was distributed and the impact this spend will have on our children. Read 2018-19 Report

2017 - 2018

We were allocated £19820 for our school sports funding.

You can read how this funding was distributed last year and the impact this spend had on our children. Read the 2017-18 Report

2016 - 2017

We were allocated £9180 for our school sports funding.

You can read how this funding was distributed last year and the impact this spend had on our children. Read the 2016-17 Report

2015 - 2016

We were allocated £9097 for our school sports funding.

You can read how this funding was distributed and the impact this spend had on our children. Read the 2015-16 Report

2014 - 2015

We were allocated funding of £8,633 for 2014/15 – received in two separate payments in September (£3395) and in December (£5238).

You can read how this funding was distributed through the year and the impact this spend had on our children. Read the 2014-15 Report