
E- safety

Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2024_Jennetts Park_03-06-2024

E-safety Historic letters | Jennett’s Park (


How to Videos

Online Safety Videos – Knowsley City Learning Centres (




Parent training

Check out the guidance from Virgin Media






A Whole Page on Esafety to share you tips and ideas. Do always ask for more

Parents’ Guide to a Better Internet booklet

The Key Safeguarding | Parent online safety zone (

Parents and Carers

If you have any questions as a parent or carer, this is an excellent website to reference


children’s charter for keeping safe


Guide – Instagram Parent Controls

Guide – Snapchat Parent Controls

Guide – TikTok Parent Controls

Keep Your Child Safe Online (PDF) –

gambling online-trolling what-parents-need-to-know-about-sharing-intimate-images

media-use-and-attitudes-report-2024 helldivers-2






JP-FIN-22-1-00-Agenda 12.10.22 Parent Support Sessions poster



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Help Sheets for parents

Online Safety for Parents v2

New parental controls on Netflix

Tik Tok Fact Sheet

Nint3ndo Devices 

Online safety



Fake News Fact Sheet


Cartoons about online safety launched for four-year-olds

Jessie & Friends features three animated children who explore online videos and social media – but they soon realise that dangers are lurking there.

Reports of online scares or challenges encouraging harmful or suicidal behaviours can be alarming and confusing. Here we look at how you can speak to your child about scares and challenges, and how to respond if they have seen one..

Stories and warnings often circulate online about online scares or suicide challenges which are alleged to have encouraged children to engage in harmful activities. Most have been found to be hoaxes, fake news or wildly exaggerated stories.

Seeing or hearing about this content can be distressing for both children and parents.

We wanted to draw your attention to the excellent work from the National Online Safety team. They have many excellent resources but their recent online safety guide on Youtube is especially helpful.

Own it APP

Share this widely – great new app


Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. Since 2006, Thinkuknow has been keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation and aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.

We learnt if you are being abused online

Flag it – tell someone

Block it – Stop using that

Zip it – don’t engage

Save it – take screenshots

Cool it – don’t retaliate

Download the Parents Guide to Bullying

We recommend you  download the new NOS app for parents

App store link

Google store link