Celebrating Achievement

Star Ambassadors

Celebrating AchievementsWe want everyone to do the best that they can, to care for each other, to work together and to show us that they are keeping our Rainbow Promise.

At our Celebration Assembly we celebrate those children who are doing something great, working extra hard, being really kind or showing that they keep the Rainbow Promise daily at our school.

Our Year 6 children lead the Celebration Assembly and are very proud to hand out certificates, trophies and awards to celebrate the wonderful things that our children are accomplishing.

It is a very special time in our week!


Star Ambassadors Summer 2024

These children always show the Rainbow Promise and Owl Learning Behaviours.

Summer 2024 - Star Ambassador and Writing Award

Year Star Ambassador Writing Award
Reception Woodpeckers Riyaa Callum
Reception Robins Caine Emma
1 Stonechats Henry H Gabriel
1 Whinchats Zia Alana
2 Yellowhammers Noah W Florence
2 Canaries Eva K Max O
3 Parakeets Christian Jack M
3 Greenjays Ishaan Evie W
4 Macaws Sarah Iris
4 Kingfishers Burhan Ruby
5 Mockingbirds Susie Madelyn
5 Peacocks Josh T Emma N
6  Sabrewings Oliver H Hamza
6 Sunbirds Eliza-Mae Hollie M
Mrs Robinson  Liam


Antibullying Ambassadors 2023

We had are proud to have many applicants for the role of 'Antibullying Ambassador' which shows how passionate the children of Jennett's Park are when it comes to the values of the school and our rainbow promise.

We are pleased to announce that 23 children from Year 3 to 6 have been chosen for the role. They have demonstrated through their applications and interviews that they have the skills required to be understanding and caring students who can help with the conflicts of the playground. Their role will be to help support their fellow students to resolve conflict and to support those who find themselves without a playmate at breaktimes.

Across the Summer Term, our fantastic ABAs have either visited Lambrook school or received internal training with the Diana Award to improve their skills and confidence in preventing or tackling different situations with their peers.