Jennett’s Park PTA

Welcome to our PTA!

The PTA has two main aims which we work hard to achieve throughout the school year, to fundraise for the added extras which enrich the school lives of the children who attend the school and to put on events which bring the school community together, providing parents with an opportunity to meet and have fun.

The PTA works closely with school to understand where they need support, and have raised funds to support much of the outside equipment, including the climbing frame and contributions to the seating area's on the playground, in addition to this we have also purchased branded sports kit, tablets, playground markings and year on year support year 6 leaver's celebration.

We aim to run a variety of events throughout  the year from Quiz nights and bingo through to Christmas and Summer fayres.  We welcome new ideas and are always in need of help, however big or small.  We don't just need your time, you can help us from the comfort of your sofa:

Buy your parent approved name labels from Label Planet using our code 35444.

Shop online through Easyfundraising choosing our school as your charity and they will give us a percentage of every purchase you make for free!

We all love a good amazon shop, using Smile you can do all your usual shopping and make us some pennies at the same time; just head over to and select Jennett's Park PTA as your chosen charity, use this link to shop going forward and ta dah.. pennies for the school!

Lastly, what did we do before the Co-op? Did you know you can make money for the PTA when you shop? Just sign up for a  Co-op card, select us as your charity, swipe when you shop and watch the pennies pop into our bank account!

Every parent of a child attending Jennett’s Park school is a member of our Parent Teacher Association and has a say in how we raise money and what we raise money for, so why not come along to a meeting or join our Facebook group to find out more about us.


PTA News

Our next AGM is Tuesday 17th September is on 5:30pm-7:00pm at school, all parents and carers are invited to join us!


Latest events


Should you have any questions, please contact Jenny via the PTA Facebook page or via the PTA email (

Kind regards

PTA Team


Contact Us

Email -

Facebook* - jennettsparkpta

*Please don’t be offended but we will only accept parents of children currently attending the school to our closed Facebook group.

Jennett's Park PTA logo

Santa flyer

bags 2 school total