Pause Day Easter 2021

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The purpose of a ‘Pause Day’ is to give children an opportunity to stop and reflect during an ‘off-timetable’ Religious Education day.

This term’s focus is Easter with the theme of forgiveness and new life and was our second Pause Day of this academic year.

Each Key Stage took part in an array of activities throughout the day.

Year 5 took part in some in depth discussions regarding Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, and how he prayed for everyone to have strength against temptation. Some children shared the idea that they thought it was the temptation to take the higher path and not seek revenge for the betrayal of Jesus. Additionally, the children were talking about Jesus' cup of suffering, from the Book of John. The children were discussing how Jesus knew that he was going to be sacrificed, and that the cup of suffering was Jesus aware of his fate, but they also said it could be him saving the others from their suffering- so it is a cup of suffering that he has to drink.

Each child had a palm cross and a bag of items to commemorate Easter from our friends at Wintershall

Easter Bags
Easter Bags

Palm Crosses
Palm Crosses

Look at our wonderful work!