Black History Month at Jennett's Park
The month of October is Black History Month in the UK and teachers at Jennett’s Park are again planning a series of lessons and activities to mark this special event.
Black History Month is marked annually, where recognising and valuing the inspirational individuals and events that have shaped the black generation takes precedence in the classroom. During Black History Month, we remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who contribute to and help our society today.
If you can offer any assistance or would like to help out in your child’s class during Black History Month ( virtually) , please contact the school office. We welcome all offers and would particularly like to welcome minority ethnic and non-British born parents to come in to speak to the class or share some of their experiences. Activities will include:
A 35 minute film showing the journey from the Caribbean to England on board the Empire Windrush
Exploring the story, ‘Coming to England’ by Baroness Floella Benjamin who came to England in 1960 when she was 10 years old

Historical education about Black Britain
A look at inspirational individuals
Caribbean & African stories
Arts and crafts
Last year we purchased over £20 of books to diversify our collections and continue to add to it this year.
October to show our commitment forzero tolerance of racism and a grand finale on the last day of term (22nd October) where children come in international dress or flag colours to celebrate diversity in our school and local community. Thank you for your support Mrs Agbaje EMA leader

The Children and staff had a fantastic time exploring Black History. In KS1 the children enjoyed listening to stories and doing some amazing Art.
In KS2 the children were able to journey with Floella Benjamin on her voyage from Trinidad to England in 1960’s. We learnt about what life was like in her home country and all the challenges she and her family faced when they arrived in England. The children wrote letters and did artwork based on her experiences.
Year 5 worked hard researching about Katherine Johnson’s life and learnt about the challenges she overcame to work for NASA and why she was known as a human computer.
Most importantly the children learnt about the importance of not judging people by the colour of their skin and respecting all cultures.