PSHE Curriculum

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

Download the PSHE - Intent Implementation Impact Document

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At Jennett’s Park we want our pupils to receive a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares them for life after school. We have the opportunity and the responsibility as educators not just to help pupils academically but to help them become well-rounded individuals that have the knowledge and skills to have safe, fulfilling lives. We want our pupils to feel confident and to be fluent in skills that will help carry them through life by the time they leave us in Year 6.

The definition of PSHE from the PSHE Association is: ‘PSHE Education is the school subject through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.’ At our school, we feel that PSHE is a pivotal part of our pupils’ education to prepare them for the future. We want to be able to give them the best opportunities possible and the right tools to thrive in modern society.


This document shows the whole school progression for each of the three key topic areas with the intention to make following the objectives for each year group easier and consistent in line with statutory government guidance. The PSHE curriculum is broken down further into documents for the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms that list the progression of objectives for each year group, so that teachers can observe how the current topic looks like in each year group, and so that teaching builds on the previous year. This is so that the knowledge and skills pupils gain deepens year on year and so that learners are suitably challenged.

Relationships Health and Wellbeing Living in the Wider World
·       Friendship

·       Relationships

·       Diversity and Equality

·       Identity


·       Body ownership and consent

·       Healthy Living

·       Cleanliness and hygiene

·       Smoking, alcohol and drug use

·       Puberty, reproduction and the human body

·       Emotions and mindset

·       Online Safety

·       Lives of different people

·       Water and fire hazards

·       Charities, donating and fundraising

·       Goals, aspirations and changes

How to implement the progression document and long term plan

PSHE should be taught as a main subject would be taught so that both teachers and pupils are able to recognise its importance in our school’s curriculum, but most importantly, as an essential part of our pupils’ social and emotional educational development. Therefore, PSHE should be part of every classes’ weekly timetable and taught for a minimum of 40 minutes a week. In some cases, it would be easier to implement a weekly input of PSHE across other curriculum subjects. For example, the Spring Term’s Health and Wellbeing topic covers objectives that are very similar to objectives found in our science curriculum, such as those to do with the human body or healthy living. This would only be the case for a few year groups however as not all years teach these science objectives. There would also be the opportunity to cover aspects of the PSHE curriculum through observing national events and specific days that the whole school can take part in, such as Safer Internet Day, Mental Health Awareness Week or Charity Week. This may take the form of having time set aside specifically for discussing the themes on that particular day, for example: discussing diversity and equality in June as part of Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. These are also great opportunities to cross-curricular our PSHE curriculum with other subjects such as computing. In some ways, we want PSHE to be seen as a subject that comes into all areas of our education and our development as individuals rather than just a topic on its own that is only thought about for 40 minutes a week. As our school’s vision is to empower our children to flourish and achieve under God’s love, we believe that the best way to do this is through a balanced PSHE curriculum that is embedded throughout the rest of our school’s curriculum.


We encourage our pupils to value PSHE as a subject in its own right and to see its importance in our everyday living. We will constantly ask the ‘why’ behind their learning so that they understand the purpose and the reasons why PSHE is part of our curriculum. We want our pupils to become well-rounded individuals who feel that they are valued in their community, and who are reflective, considerate and understanding of others around them, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. Whole school events and assemblies that observe national days for focusing on certain topics brings pupils the understanding that Jennett’s Park School is part of a much wider community that is made up of individuals, the pupils being part of that family. For example, the involvement of the PCSOs for events such as Friendship Week and Safer Internet Day have linked them with our school and created a wider community, as well as made them a familiar face with our pupils, giving them the confidence to speak to trusted adults when something is wrong. Progress in our PSHE curriculum is demonstrated through baseline and end of topic assessments, which can be as simple as a discussion, as well as through outcomes and the record of coverage in the process of achieving these outcomes.

Download the PSHE Progression Detail by Year Groups