Christmas at JPCE 2021

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We love Christmas at JPCE.


Here is the plan so far.




Time Event Location Children involved Parents invited?

Thurs 2nd


Reverse advent collection begins Donations to main entrance School community 😊yes
Wintershall advent workshops Field Whole school

Fri 3rd


Wintershall advent workshops Field Whole school

Pause Day

Orange  needed for Christingle making

Classrooms Whole school
Mon 6th 10am

KS1 Christmas concert

(dress rehearsal)


KS1 Playground

Year 1 and 2 performing.

All classes invited to watch at a distance

Tues 7th 9am KS1 Christmas Concert KS1 Playground Year 1 and 2 😊yes
Weds 8th



Nursery Christmas Carols dress rehearsal EYFS Playground

Nursery classes performing.

Reception invited to watch at a distance

Thurs 9th 2:30 pm KS1 Christmas Concert KS1 Playground Year 1 and 2 😊Yes
Fri 10th Christmas Jumper Day Whole school

9am and



Nursery Christmas Carols


EYFS Playground


Nursery only 😊Yes
  4pm Publish Reception Nativity Performance to Parents Website/Squid



  4pm Publish Nursery Nativity Freeze Frame to parents Website/Squid
Mon 13th Panto School hall Y2-6 (reliant on Covid)
Tues 14th Christmas dinner EYFS and KS1 School hall/ classrooms EYFS, Year 1, 2

Reception Christmas Carols dress rehearsal


KS1 Playground

Reception classes performing.

All classes invited to watch at a distance

4pm Family Carols Playground School community 😊 Yes
Weds 15th 9am Reception Christmas carols Reception playground Reception 😊 Yes
Christmas dinner KS2 School hall/ classrooms Year 3, 4, 5, 6
Thurs 16th Class Christmas parties Classrooms Whole school
Friday 17th  Half day – finish at 1:30