RE – Collective Worship

“I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness.” –John 10:10

At Jennett’s Park, Collective Worship is a time when we come together as an inclusive community to explore our Christian values through the liturgical calendar, including our own beliefs and experiences.  In pursuit of the children experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum, Collective Worship demonstrates the importance of developing a sense of awe and wonder, appreciation and respect for everybody around us. Collective Worship provides many opportunities to worship God, engage, respond and reflect on themselves, others and deepening their spirituality.

45% identify as Christian faith  and we have 12 more faiths and beliefs woven with us.

We have a worship council led by the children and a such they have decided to start our collective worship together with this call and response ( liturgy) .

Call: We are a community woven together to flourish and achieve .

Response:  We live life in all it's fullness (under God's love). The last section is said as optional for everyone to feel included.

Throughout the year, we welcome our local vicar Reverend Morley to lead our Collective Worship one day a week, as well as a form of Collective Worship daily including assemblies and candle time in class.

Every child has the opportunity to part, however, parents do have a legal right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship and a form will be given upon request via the office.

Please find attached our termly Assembly rota.

Assembly rota Autumn1 2023-2024 Roots and Fruits year

Assembly rota Autumn2 2023-2024 Roots and Fruits


You can find out more in our Collective Worship policy.


Refugee Welcoming

We welcome those who are struggling to us.

Refugee Welcoming Pledges | Jennett's Park (